Commercial Property
As technology in buildings evolves to become future-facing, our solutions are evolving too. We’re able to plug into next-generation systems, including remotely accessing your utilities, trouble-shooting and monitoring them.
Our goal is to save you time and money.
Based on this, we start by ensuring your charges
and usage are in line with the service providers' benchmarked / trended technical and financial readings. This realised value can then be shared across your value chain.
We create real-time visibility across your utility supply chain. Our starting point is to identify your usage trends so that we can identify where we can create effective energy change. These insights are mapped against in-depth market analytics to ensure we implement the best possible utility management strategy for your business. Wastage is curbed. Actual usage is tracked and compared. Energy costs are reduced.
Regular customised reporting means that impact is seen. By accessing your own dashboard, you’re able to track real-time readings as data is collected.
Our plug-and-play solutions set allows you to choose what you really need:
Regular tariff verification confirms the tariff you’re being charged is
the tariff you should be charged.
Monthly meter reading services collect and record accurate data readings.
Utility cost breakdown reports check values against averages and trends, identifying anything out of the ordinary.
Profitability reports track recovery targets against actual recovery totals each month. These are then mapped to provide a detailed picture for the year in review.
Online utility management is provided in real-time via our portal, with additional functionality including graphs; analysis and reports available to you at the click of your mouse.
Account escalation services are available where necessary on your behalf with the appropriate municipality or utilities provider.
New electrical connections or existing electrical connection upgrades are also provided.
Disconnection notices are served as appropriate – to avoid disconnection timeously.
In spaces where you manage tenants, we can also assist with the following:
Tenant utility billing (done on a monthly basis) to ensure that your bulk municipal account is paid on time, every time.
Common area and network distribution cost calculations allow all tenants to be billed accurately, fairly and transparently for consumption in common areas and across shared networks.
Sub-account summaries give the ideal breakdown between tenants
and their use of specific utilities.
Utility cost breakdowns can be provided per customer for ease of reference.
Tenant confirmation happens on a monthly basis. This ensures billing is accurate throughout the lease period.
As buildings and properties become smarter, energy management is becoming even more important. It needs to be used as a strategic enabler – lowering costs and improving efficiency.