As 2021 comes to a close, and what a year it has been again, with “working from home” becoming the new norm, we thought that it would be interesting to illustrate the cost of running different appliances in our homes or home offices, as well as various other equipment in our businesses.
Our aim is to try make you more aware of the effect of various tools and appliances on your electricity bill, and so you can realize the cost of running various things, with the hope that you can become more aware of your usages and more conscious on how to save a bit on your electricity bill.
Our primary aim is to try make you more aware of the effect of various tools and appliances on your electricity bill, and so you can realize the cost of running various things, with the hope that you can become more aware of your usages and more conscious on how to save a bit on your electricity bill.
Our primary objective is to balance all the various commodities and through our efficient metering of various cost centres, we are able to get a detailed picture of your usage and where there might be opportunities to do things better. Our inhouse developed State-of-the-art software platform can trend usages and can give you the best insight available in the market into whether you are being billed correctly, charging your tenants correctly, are on the correct tariff for your business and what the cost implication would be if you had to relocate your business to another municipality.
Before we get into the fun, there are various “no-brainers” that that we would like to point out to reduce your usages in case you never thought of them:
Choose power appliances with a favourable power rating.
Use your appliances for fewer hours
Turn off things that you are not using.
Do not turn on all your appliances / equipment at the same time.
Try to schedule the usage of big use equipment out of peak hours
The more electricity you use, the more expensive the KWh charges become
Because of the different tariffs available, and because of the different costs in different municipalities, these costs are just an indication. Should you want Archon to evaluate your business please give us a call and we can audit your company with your specific attributes and profile parameters, giving you a tailor-made analysis for your business.
Below are some common Household appliances and the estimated costs in using them.
For this illustration, I have applied City of Johannesburg Residential >60A Summer Peak unit price @R2.00 per unit. During winter this rate more than doubles. Because COJ work off a Block Rate Tariff residential costs can vary from R1.80 to R2.80 per kWh depending which Municipality services you have and how many kWh’s you use. It’s best to consult one’s tariff book to understand the rate better, or simply give us a call and we will be grateful to help.
Here are some common Business equipment and the estimated costs in using them.
I have applied City of Johannesburg Business >100 kVa Summer Peak unit price. During winter it more than doubles. For simplicities sake because of the Block Rate Tariff mentioned above, we have rounded off the unit price to R2.40.
As you can see the electricity costs can add up quite quickly!
It is of paramount importance to monitor these correctly and to make sure that you know that it is correct. You need to know where all your hard-earned profit is going, or what your “cost of sales” is for your heavy equipment so that you can factor this into your selling price so you are not guessing, … and have the confidence that your business is running as a well-oiled machine.
PS - Regarding the Christmas Tree... the watts of the lights are generally very low and with the use of LED lights these days the costs are minimal. So live a little and light it up properly, Archon will be available early in 2022 to help sort out and make sense of the resulting bills for you.
We wish all our Clients and Fans a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.